I made this for a class. Just another non-linear compliation of random* hd footage.
Shot by me in 2010 with my 5D Mark II.
This is the first recording I have ever made of myself singing.
TWO strings broke on my guitar during the making of the recording, so I changed the key of the song to C major and made up chords from there.
Vox: me Guitar: me Song: Love is a Place | Metric
*and by random, i mean take no note of the people featured. they are just there, as they were when i shot them. it is arbitrary. thoughts in passing, moments good enough to remember. we're all just glimpses anyway...
I seem to be into greyscale lately. Why? I don't know, but I can speculate:
Lately I've been drawn to timeless images. Styling, lighting, and modeling are the most telling elements of the image's place in time, but greyscale seems to lend this sort of pseudo-classic dimension-- it gives this inarguable sense of visual credibility-- ya know, like a period at the end of a sentence instead of an ellipses.
This particular Saturday, we went for a bike ride down to the Platte. Craving a bike ride in early spring is like wanting water after a night of heavy drinking; this insatiable urge that, when satisfied, leaves you with the most distinct promise of months to come, reminding you at once that the worst is over, and the grass will soon turn green again, and night will fall much later, and you should remember to buy scissors next time you're out because you own too many pairs of pants and you'll soon need some decent shorts.
prolific thinker, digital visionary, and stylistic disaster. Fringed with excellence and gold, actively destroying the world one person and one paradigm at a time.