So my good friend and local graphic design turntable guru recently got brutally attacked by a GMC Yukon while biking around Denver. Because of this, he has incurred obscene medical bills, not to mention injuries, and in an effort to help raise money to pay for them, he has released a free dubstep mix. Idull, being one of Denver's foremost DJs, never disappoints, so think about pickin this one up and while youre at it, maybe throwing down a donation.

get well good homie
So, much to the surprise of the hosts, yesterday's meet and greet pre-show soirée at Speakeasy, show at the Bluebird, and seemingly impromptu after party at Shag were a blaring success. I have to say, it was one of the only times that I went to a show without having ever heard of the act, had a close friend grab me by the shoulder, say "trust me, this shit's gonna be so fucking _________(insert adjective signifying a feeling exceptional positivity)" and walked out thinking they were absolutely right. Now, understandably so, one could speculate that Hollywood Holt (from Chicago) and Million $ Mano (also not so ironically from Chicago) have combined to create a sound one seems to have heard before, perhaps many times before. I would say, at first, this notion would be true, but if their undeniably radical stage presence and bad word humor aren't enough, a truly dazzling repertoire composed of sharp and culturally critical words combined with all mentioned previously really make these two everlasting.
So I guess, basically, what I'm getting at is, it was the most fun I've had on a Monday night in a serious while. I suppose I should also blame my fantastic time on the always prime company of the Speakeasy duo and other such homies. Thanks guys, another great night in our city. Oh, and I was asked to maybe or maybe not shoot a few photos at the pre party at Speakeasy, which, I did. Here are a few, the rest may or may not be on the Avenue Animal blog.

So I guess, basically, what I'm getting at is, it was the most fun I've had on a Monday night in a serious while. I suppose I should also blame my fantastic time on the always prime company of the Speakeasy duo and other such homies. Thanks guys, another great night in our city. Oh, and I was asked to maybe or maybe not shoot a few photos at the pre party at Speakeasy, which, I did. Here are a few, the rest may or may not be on the Avenue Animal blog.
Today I had an assignment to do a High Efficiency shoot. I had to start shooting at 12:30, shoot, load, edit, print and turn in my work by 4:30. Needless to say, I thought it was a little silly, because i would consider all my shoots 'high efficiency'. If any of you have worked with me, you know that i do my best NOT to take all fucking day, and keep my cumulative shots in the triple digits. Anyway, at 3:40, this is what i had to show for myself.
Every couple months or so I wake up and feel like I've listened to every song on both my computers a fucking million times and I need to hear some new shit pronto or I'm gonna punch a stranger in the face. It is an ongoing battle but fortunately new music surfaces ceaselessly and perpetually, it's just a matter of finding it, and then finding the time to acquire it.
So, in case you were wondering what I'm feeling lately, here it is:
The top 4 newly released albums that really get me going...

Silversun Pickups, Swoon
I always love a band more after I see them live, and this band doesn't give themselves enough credit.

Yeah yeah yeahs, Blitz!

Ghostland Observatory, Robotique Majestique
I'm not here to analyze... even though I could. But, if you haven't tasted this band's sweet electro sugar, find a way to work up an appetite.

Peter Bjorn and John, Living Thing
This is one of my favourite bands, and though this album exposes a new side to their multi-faceted sound, it is an edgy and lyrically poignant addition to their already smashing swedish repertoire.
So, in case you were wondering what I'm feeling lately, here it is:
The top 4 newly released albums that really get me going...

Silversun Pickups, Swoon
I always love a band more after I see them live, and this band doesn't give themselves enough credit.
Yeah yeah yeahs, Blitz!

Ghostland Observatory, Robotique Majestique
I'm not here to analyze... even though I could. But, if you haven't tasted this band's sweet electro sugar, find a way to work up an appetite.
Peter Bjorn and John, Living Thing
This is one of my favourite bands, and though this album exposes a new side to their multi-faceted sound, it is an edgy and lyrically poignant addition to their already smashing swedish repertoire.
sometimes i think twice about what's in my purse or something, incase i get murdered and some detectives have to look through my stuff to figure out who i am. ive had a few things i'd hate for some investigative team to have to return to my mom. i clearly watch entirely too many murder shows.
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